THOMAS LUEBKE, Commission of Fine Arts member of the National Capital Memorial Advisory Commission
“I am whole-heartedly in favor of this enterprise, this commemorative undertaking.
I think I agree with the speaker that it’s hard to imagine it hasn’t happened already.
It’s a conspicuous lack in our commemorative landscape and National narrative that we don’t have this.”
THOMAS LUEBKE, Commission of Fine Arts
read the entire transcript of our meeting with the National Capital Memorial Advisory Commission
MINA WRIGHT, General Services Administration member of the National Capital Memorial Advisory Commission
“Who can argue with the reasons for it?
You’ve got to be some kind of crazy to undertake one of these memorials because I don’t know if you realize it yet, but you’ll be at this for longer than you could possibly imagine.
So I would urge you to keep on keeping on. And don’t be discouraged by the process. This part of it really is important and you’ll benefit from people who have are a lot smarter and have been thinking about this for a long time and be open to it
Eat your Wheaties.
It’s going to be a long process,
but it always is.”
MINA WRIGHT, General Services Administration
read the entire transcript of our meeting with the National Capital Memorial Advisory Commission
January 27 2021
The Site Selection Process begins
Choose 25 possible sites Around Washington DC. Eliminate all but three or four based on metrics like tourist traffic and access but the most important factor is a connection to the suffrage movement – were the women there.
January 26 2021
Project Initiation meeting with the NPS to begin navigating the Commemorative Works Act – Review Process.
December 18 2021
The Fundraising Begins!
Public Law No: 116-217 (12/17/2020)
This bill authorizes the establishment on federal land in the District of Columbia of the Every Word We Utter Monument in commemoration of the women’s suffrage movement and the passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, which gave women the right to vote.
No federal funds may be used to pay any expenses for the establishment of the commemorative work.
The Every Word We Utter Monument organization shall be solely responsible for accepting contributions for, and paying for, the expenses of the establishment of such work.
December 7, 2020
The First Lady Tweets her support for The National Womens Monument in Washington DC
It’s been an honor to work with @WomensVote100 to support the legislation authorizing the
Every Word We Utter Monument. @POTUS & I are looking forward to bringing this bill to the @WhiteHouse to ensure the women’s suffrage movement is remembered for generations to come.
First Lady Melania Trump
December 3, 2020
Our Bill authorizing The National Women’s Suffrage Monument in Washington DC passes the U.S. Senate!
The Women’s Suffrage Monument In DC Just Needs The President’s Signature To Become Reality
By Caitlyn Kim CPR NEWS December 3, 2020
August 21 2020
Senator Bennet Visits Artist Jane DeDecker’s studio in Loveland Colorado
Bennet Visits Loveland Studio of Jane DeDecker to See Progress Being Made on Sculpture Celebrating the Pioneers of Women’s Suffrage
US Senator Michael Bennet Press Release August 21 2020
August 20, 2020
Every Word We Utter Feature article in the Vail Daily
Every Word We Utter: Colorado artist with Vail ties works to install women’s Monument in Washington DC
Casey Russell August 20, 202
August 18 2020
The 100th Anniversary of the Ratification of the 19th Amendment
August 15, 2020
The US President tweets about the The National Women’s Suffrage Monument in Washington DC
The President backs bill to establish suffragist monument in DC.
August 15, 2020
March 6 2020
The Ripple Effect
“Shot in Colorado by women filmmakers, the film celebrates the centennial of the 19th Amendment by sharing the work of sculptor Jane DeDecker. DeDecker created a monument dedicated to the women who fought tirelessly to make it possible for women to vote. To help raise awareness,we sent Trail Sisters founder Gina Lucrezi, andour ambassadors Anna Frost and Mirna Valerio to Jane’s studio in Loveland, Colorado. Directors: Jenny Glennon (Nichols) Sarah Menzies
February 26 , 2020
Our Bill authorizing The National Women’s Suffrage Monument in Washington DC passes the U.S. House of Representatives
US House passes bill to authorize Loveland Sculptors suffrage memorial in DC
Senate still has to approve the 22′ statue
Pamela Johnson, Reporter Herald
February 26, 2020
September 18 2019
Bill authorizing National Women’s Suffrage Monument advances out of the Natural Resources Committee.
August 5 2019
The Merrell Trail Sisters visit the Artist Jane DeDecker’s Studio
May 22 2019
The bill for the first outdoor National Women’s Monument in Washington DC gets a Hearing in the U.S. House of Representatives
February 11, 2019
The Every Word We Utter concept is featured in the Vail Beaver Creek Magazine
Art History Meets the Bronze Age at a Groundbreaking Vail Village Gallery
By Devon O’Neil 2/11/2019 at 10:36am Published in the Midwinter-Spring 2019 issue of Vail-Beaver Creek Magazine
January 10,, 2019
The Entire Colorado Congressional Delegation sponsor bills in the U.S. House of Representatives and US Senate to authorize the installation of the National Women’s Suffrage Monument in Washington DC
Thank youformer Congressman Jared Polis — now Governor Jared Polis, Colorado Senator Michael Bennet, Colorado Senator Cory Gardner, Congressman Joe Neguse, along with the entire Colorado Congressional House Delegation consisting of Congresswoman Diana DeGette, Congressman Scott Tipton, Congressman Doug Lamborn, Congressman Ed Perlmutter, Congressman Jason Crow, and Congressman Ken Buck
October 2018
Artist and team return to Washington DC to lobby congress to sponsor a bill authorizing The National Women’s Suffrage Monument in Washington DC
August 15 2018
Artist Jane DeDecker launches mission to donate the Women’s Suffrage Monument Every Word We Utter to Washington DC
Artist connects with the National Women’s Party and get the attention of the Women’s Suffrage Centennial Commission.

The Artist meets Colorado Senator Cory Gardner at the airport and plants a seed.
July 2 2018